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Best Business Practices for Incident Complexes

DMC header graphic.

Incident Complex Definition

Two or more distinct incidents in the same general area that, by management action, are managed under a single incident commander or unified command in order to improve efficiency and simplify incident management processes.

Definition Extension: 1) An Incident complex is not a wildfire incident and is not interchangeable with a wildfire record.  2) An Incident Commander or Incident Management Team may manage multiple wildfires without creating an incident complex.

Common Misconceptions

  • Creating an Incident Complex does not mean you will get resources.
    • NMAC allocates resources to geographic areas, not specific incidents. GMACs allocates resources to incidents based on Incident Prioritization.
    • Each geographic area has their own tools/matrixes/applications they use to prioritize incidents based established criteria (see Figure 1).
  • The only way to manage multiple incidents by one incident management team is by creating an Incident Complex.
    • Local Units and Incident Management Teams can be delegated the authority to manage multiple incidents. That does not mean they have to be managed as an Incident Complex.
    • There are other ways to accomplish the same thing in an application without having to create an Incident Complex.
  • Creating an Incident Complex is the easiest way to manage multiple incidents as one.
    • Incident Complexes may seem like the easy button at the beginning, but there tends to be ramifications after the fact. See the Benefits and Challenges under each section for additional details.

*Multiple Incidents Being Managed as an Incident Complex is typically not a specific consideration during incident prioritization*

Infographic describing Geographic areas have their own tools, matrixes, and applications they use to prioritize incident based on established criteria.

Figure 1. Geographic areas prioritize incident based on established criteria

Creating an Incident Complex might seem like the simplest option in the beginning, especially during the overwhelming considerations at the onset of significant fire on the landscape.The long-range ramifications may result in additional workload after the fact when the dust settles, and the local unit is trying to “tell the story” of exactly what happened.Limiting incident records included within an Incident Complex to those that met large fire criteria may assuage the initial impulse to lump them all together an maintain data integrity in the long run.

If the following scenarios are true, fire management leadership will need to address the consideration satisfactorily OR may want to consider managing specific wildland fire incidents individually rather than within an Incident Complex:

  • Individual records with Multiple Jurisdictions:
    • Conflicting suppression strategies. One agency’s policy may require 100% suppression while another may not and needs to be clearly communicated to the Incident Commander.
    • The respective agency administrators will need to agree and provide guidance regarding which agency is the “primary” for the Incident Complex i.e., which Protecting Unit will be used to create the Incident Complex record and thus be termed the Incident Complex Managing Unit and Agency.
    • Individual fire is being managed under a Unified Command structure, and that is not the intent for the Incident Complex.
    • From the Final Fire Reporting perspective.  Be mindful of each agency’s final fire reporting requirements.
    • Varying agencies, protecting or jurisdictional units may have differing acquisition rules and authorities. If there are individual incidents within an Incident Complex that vary from the “Managing Unit and Agency” of the Incident Complex, there may be conflicting acquisition authorities that could increase the probability for error.
    • Agencies may have unique records retention requirements that may influence the decision to manage incidents within an Incident Complex.
    • Resource Ordering – if incidents within an Incident Complex have varying agencies, there could be varying authorities required for resource ordering and hiring requirements.  For example, a State incident isn’t required to use VIPR, but Federal agencies are. 
  • Cause
    • If one or more on the individual records are Human Cause incidents, there may be future litigation regarding reimbursement or fire trespass cases.
  • Resource Ordering
    • Dingell Act Resource Tracking (DART) Establish plans for resource ordering. Consider whether you will assign resources to the Incident Complex or child incidents.  Recommended Business Practice is to assign suppression resources to an ignition/child within the Incident Complex. Resources that are NOT specific fire suppression resources i.e., IMT, CIMT, Caterer, Cache Van may be requested and filled on the Incident Complex.
  • Is this a Lightning Plan or Incident Complex
    • If there are multiple small fires, evaluate the benefits to including those incident records within a complex. If it is determined there isn’t a high spread potential and suppressions efforts are expected to be successful within initial attack or shortly thereafter i.e., those fires could be contained and controlled in the foreseeable future (1-5 operational periods). Consider option to include those incidents within the IA response of an Incident Management Team or local IA resources responsibility rather than including them in the Incident Complex.
      • IF, they are included, a daily 209 will need to be done for them regardless of size, however it could ease resource allocation – lend lease.
    • IF, they are not included, they could be suppressed and “taken off the board” suppression efforts could be focused on the remaining large fires within the complex OR also managed as individual incidents.
    • Establish clear guidance and expectations for Incident Complex management. Ensure all stakeholders receive respective documentation and briefings. Specifically:
      • During Initial Attack (IA) who responsible for upward reporting?
    • Include Incident Complex guidance and expectation as part of the in-brief with Incident Management Teams
    • Include language within the local unit standard operating procedures.
  • Incident Size – proposal for individual incidents to meet acres for large fire criteria to be part of a complex.  100 timber/300 grass or brush
  • Fire Management Assistance Grants (FMAG) current or anticipated
    • If there is or anticipate a FMAC request, it may be beneficial to keep the integrity of the individual record rather than including it in an Incident Complex.
    • Providing documentation on an FMAG is extensive – coordinate with individual wildfire Protecting Unit Grants and Agreement Specialist and respective Incident Business Advisor(s)(IBA).
  • Potential for incidents to merge.
    • Two or more wildfires that burn together to form a single burned area and which, by management action, may be declared merged and managed as a single incident to improve efficiency and simplify incident management processes. If there is a high probability individual incident within a complex will merge, consider leaving them as individual records until such time as they do merge.
    • Plan messaging to the public as well as the land management agencies.
      • Example:
        • ​If the decision to create an Incident Complex is made, determine how you will message to the community if only one fire within the record continues to be active
    • If you have been messaging referencing the Meek’s Complex and suddenly change to Moose Fire (individual record) – are you confusing the reader?  Each situation may be unique and require a different approach. Coordinate with incident’s respective Public Information Officer or designating communications specialist.

Decision to manage multiple incidents as an Incident Complex has been made:


  • Incident Record Creation:
    • Will multiple dispatch centers be involved?
      • Know your CAD.  Most CADs only allow Incident Complexes to be compiled with incident records from their respective dispatch center.  If records are hosted/managed by more than one dispatch center the Incident Complex may need to be created in 209.
    • Are there approved 209 for individual records?
      • If there are, those respective records will need to have their 209 Status updated to Final i.e., do a Final 209 before you attempt to create the Incident Complex
    • See the Reference Section for additional guidance for specific applications.
  • Once you complex you are required to do a 209 daily regardless of incident size or national resource commitment.
  • Plan messaging to the public as well as the land management agencies.
    • Example:
      • If the decision to create an Incident Complex is made, determine how you will message to the community if only one fire within the record continues to be active
    • If you have been messaging as a Meek’s Complex and suddenly change to Moose Fire (individual record) – are you confusing the reader?Each situation may be unique and require a different approach.
  • In addition, if fires in the complex merge, indicate the child 100% contained within the Merge widget and reflect the acreage it was at the time of the merge. Any additional acres shall be added to the parent.

  • De-complexing?  What is the best business practice?  Should local units remove incident records within an Incident Complex once they are contained and controlled or do you leave the records in the Incident Complex Relationship?
    • Once an individual record is 100% contained, indicate it as such within its 209 “Complex by Incident” widget and leave the child record in the Incident Complex.
    • After child record is 100% Contained and indicated as such in 209, Change the ADS from SIT/209 within the CAD to Default by unselecting the ADS Permission Hierarchy within the CAD and leave it in the Incident Complex in the CAD, do not remove it from list of incidents associated with the Incident Complex record.
    • Coordinate any changes to the Incident Complex Relationship with your local/regional/or state Incident Business Advisor.
  • Cons to de-complexing
    • Tendency to double report acres when individual records are removed from the Incident Complex.  Users are reporting acres within the complex as well as adding to the individual records resulting in inconsistent and inaccurate data.

Reference Material

Who do you call?

NWCG Latest Announcements

NWCG Equipment Technology Committee Releases New Equipment Bulletins

Date: September 27, 2024
Contact: Equipment Technology Committee

The Equipment Technology Committee (ETC) has released three new Equipment Bulletins:

  • ETC-EB-24-003 Diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) in fuel containers.
  • ETC-EB-24-004 Two-compartment fuel and oil container (Dolmar) unavailable in the United States (US) and reminders for upkeeping current inventories.
  • ETC-EB-24-005 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Inspection, Care, and Maintenance.

These bulletins remind field going personnel of important issues related to equipment for wildland firefighting efforts.


NWCG Alerts

ETC-EB-24-003 Diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) in fuel containers

ETC-EB-24-004 Two-compartment fuel and oil container (Dolmar) unavailable in the United States (US) and reminders for upkeeping current inventories

ETC-EB-24-005 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Inspection, Care, and Maintenance

The Experiential Learning Subcommittee is looking for your feedback on Staff Rides

Date: September 20, 2024
Contact: Ashleigh D'Antonio and George Risko, Leadership Committee

The Experiential Learning Subcommittee needs to hear from the field about where the greatest need lies regarding staff rides and their accessibility.

  • Do you have an event you would like to turn into a learning experience?
  • Do you have a staff ride built, but are struggling to implement the delivery?
  • Do you need help building capacity?
  • What other ideas do you have to support experiential leadership training?

Fill out this short survey below to help us help you.


Staff Rides: Feedback

Staff Rides

Updated NWCG Single Resource Casual Hire Information, PMS 934

Date: September 19, 2024
Contact: Incident Business Committee

The Incident Business Committee has updated the NWCG Single Resource Casual Hire Information, PMS 934. This update expands the provisions for hiring emergency personnel.


NWCG Single Resource Casual Hire Information, PMS 934

IBC Memorandum 24-03

NWCG 2024 Spring/Summer Highlights

Date: September 13, 2024

Forest Service Logo
Bureau of Indian Affairs Logo
Bureau of Land Management Logo
National Park Service Logo
Fish & Wildlife Service Logo
State Foresters Logo
U.S. Fire Administration
Intertribal Timber Council Logo
International Association of Fire Chiefs
Department of Defense Logo

Welcome to our latest highlights from the National Wildfire Coordinating Group, where we explore the latest updates, insights, and efforts that develop interoperable wildland fire operations among federal, state, local, Tribal, and territorial partners.

The Performance Support Package, which for ABRO includes the Incident Position Standards and Next Generation Position Task Book were developed through the Incident Performance and Training Modernization (IPTM) effort. The Performance Support Package will support trainees, those qualified in the position, and evaluators.



The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is officially an associate member of NWCG. As such, NASA is beginning to collaborate with wildland fire management agencies with the goal of increasing collaboration across agencies and leveraging NASA data, technology, and innovation for nation-wide efforts in wildland fire management. NASA has a rich history of research, development, and technology transfer in the areas of Earth science, space technologies, and aeronautics that support the NWCG mission.

NWCG new website look.


The NWCG web team dedicated the past two years to making a significant upgrade to the site. This upgrade involved a comprehensive redesign of over 7,700 web pages.

The modernization of NWCG’s website involved migrating to Drupal 10, a cutting—edge content management system, and leveraging Amazon Web Service GovCloud for secure and efficient hosting. These upgrades help ensure that the NWCG website remains current in content management practices, offering enhanced customization, improved performance, and an overall superior user experience.

NWCG Leadership Committee

WFLDP Professional Reading Program logo
WFLDP PRP book covers

The Wildland Fire Leadership Development Program announced the Professional Reading Program’s 2024 list!

The years books include:

  • Young Men and Fire by Norman Maclean
  • The Wisdom of the Bullfrog by William H. McRaven
  • The Art of Clear Thinking by Hasard Lee
  • Emotional Agility by Susan David
  • Writing to Persuade by Trish Hall

Learn more at the NWCG Leadership Committee


In 2023, NWCG kicked off the Incident Performance and Training Modernization (IPTM) effort. A training system overhaul focused on developing a performance-based training system designed to shift training to on-the-job when appropriate.

Over the next five years, NWCG intends to analyze all positions within the NWCG Standards for Wildland Fire Position Qualifications, PMS 310-1. To date we are currently working on 30 incident positions, and planning for 20+ in calendar year 2025.

Subject Matter Experts from a variety of geographical areas and agencies recently completed the position analysis for 16 positions. From this analysis, Incident Positions Standards and a Next Generation Position Task Book will be developed for each position.

Incident Performance and Training Modernization


In April 2024, NWCG launched the new Next Generation Position Task Book (Next Gen PTB) which is a key component of the IPTM effort. This revised evaluation tool is designed to work in conjunction with the newly developed Incident Position Standards.

Major Next Gen PTB changes:

  • Structured to improve constructive conversations between evaluators and trainees.
  • Reference new Incident Position Standards.
  • Include only tasks required to be evaluated for successful performance.
  • Trainees will be rated on their performance vs. initialing whether a task was completed.
  • Must include written feedback when trainee does not meet the standard.
  • Will be position specific (no combined PTBs).
Screen shot of the Next Gen Position Task Book

Banner image of the Wildland Fire Learning Portal website

NWCG’s training course catalog is now available on the Wildland Fire Learning Portal (WFLP).

To access the training course catalog, visit WFLP and either set up an account or login as a guest.