NWCG accomplishes its mission using a system of committees and subgroups organized around the primary functional areas of wildland fire management. These committees and subgroups are categorized into the types listed below based on purpose and organizational hierarchy.
A long-standing body of subject matter experts representing one of the primary NWCG functional or business areas. Develops and maintains NWCG standards and associated support materials. Meets objectives stated in its mission statement. May establish a subcommittee structure as workload requires. Established by and report to the NWCG Executive Board.
A long-standing body of subject matter experts representing a subset of an NWCG committee’s functional or business area. Meets objectives stated in its mission statement. May establish a unit structure as workload requires. Established by and report to a parent committee.
A long-standing body of subject matter experts representing a subset of an NWCG subcommittee’s functional or business area. Meets objectives stated in its mission statement. Established by and report to subcommittees
A long-standing body of subject matter experts organized to establish performance criteria, evaluation processes, business requirements, and operational standards in specific NWCG business areas (e.g., airtankers, incident reporting, position naming). Established by and report to the Executive Board, committees, or subcommittees.
Task Team
A limited-term body of subject matter experts formed via a tasking memorandum to accomplish a specific, time-bounded, undertaking for the tasking entity. Established by and report to any NWCG established group.
Course Steering Committee
A long-standing body of subject matter experts responsible for oversight and maintenance of a national level course, or a geographic area delivered course maintained by a single cadre. Meets objectives stated in its mission statement. Established by and reports to the parent committee or their designated subgroup.