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All NWCG Announcements

2023 NWCG Executive Board Annual Letter

Date: January 24, 2023
Contact: NWCG Executive Board

As NWCG continues to implement our role in modernizing the wildland fire workforce, looking forward to 2023 it is clear the portfolio of critical work within NWCG extends beyond highlighted accomplishments or identified priorities. Nevertheless, we expect the continuation of the high tempo operational pace so acknowledging there will be important matters competing for limited time and staff, the EB identifies the following as priorities for the upcoming year:

  • Incident Performance and Training Modernization (IPTM)
  • Complex Incident Management (CIM)
  • Standardized Business Practices 

Thank you for the critically important work you will do in the coming year.


NWCG Burn Protocols

Date: January 19, 2023
Contact: Emergency Medical Committee (EMC)

The NWCG Burn Protocols provide a Burn Injury Flow Chart, Emergency Department Burn Evaluation Flow Chart and Burn Injury Care Guidelines. These documents were developed for firefighters and fire managers in the field to better assess burn injuries and expediate the injured firefighter to the appropriate level of care.


2023 Wildland Fire Leadership Campaign

Date: January 11, 2023
Contact: Wildland Fire Leadership Development Program (WFLDP)

The theme for the 2023 Wildland Fire Leadership Campaign is “In Service Of Others”. The campaign is an opportunity for personnel at the local level - whether collectively or through self-development - to focus on leadership development activities relating to the national campaign theme. Local units may use any of the information found on the Wildland Fire Leadership Program website or in the Wildland Fire Learning Portal to craft the campaign to fit local needs.


NWCG Archived Announcements Prior to 2023