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Aircraft Base Radio Operator

ABRO Incident Position Description

The Aircraft Base Radio Operator (ABRO) serves as a member of an aircraft base staff, assisting the Helibase Manager (HEBM), Airtanker Base Manager (ATBM), and/or Fixed Wing Base Manager (FWBM) in the performance and completion of aircraft missions. The ABRO reports to the HEBM, ATBM, and/or FWBM and works in the Aviation functional area.

Leadership Level 1, Follower (Provide Action)

  • For additional information review Level 1 description, expected behaviors and knowledge, suggested development goals, and self-study opportunities.

Prepare and Mobilize

  • Ensure individual readiness.
  • Gather critical information pertinent to the assignment.
  • Travel to and checks in at assignment.
  • Review Base Operations Plan and obtain initial briefing from supervisor.

Build the Team

  • Conduct self in a professional manner.
  • Establish and maintain positive interpersonal and interagency working relationships.
  • Use Incident Command System (ICS) terminology, organization, and command structure.
  • Participate in proficiency checks and drills.
  • Calculate amount and type of additional supplies and equipment required and obtain through established ordering procedures. Ensure adequate staffing is in place for anticipated or expected activity.

Supervise and Direct Work Assignments

  • Follow and communicate objectives, priorities, work assignments, and performance expectations.
  • Identify, analyze, and use relevant situational information to make more informed decisions and take appropriate actions.
  • Adjust actions based on changing information and evolving situation awareness. Communicate changing conditions to assigned resources and supervisor.

Perform Aircraft Base Radio Operator Position-Specific Duties

  • Assist supervisor in ensuring operational readiness of aircraft base.
  • Check functionality of assigned radios prior to daily operations.
  • Operate multiple radios (AM, FM, VHF) simultaneously.
  • Verify radio frequencies daily with supervisor and notify them if additional frequencies are needed.
  • Use current flight following software.
  • Flight follow aircraft using the identified procedures and maintain a log of aircraft takeoffs, landings, estimated time of arrival (ETA), estimated time of departure (ETD), and flight route check-ins.

Communicate and Coordinate

  • Communicate using ICS terminology and clear text.
  • Obtain daily or more frequent briefings from supervisor.
  • Coordinate aircraft departures from base with appropriate aerial supervision or dispatch.
  • Maintain communication with appropriate incident functions including, but not limited to dispatch, logistics, helispots, or incident aircraft.
  • Follow established processes and chain of command for collecting, producing, and distributing information.
  • Communicate changing conditions to supervisor.
  • Participate in daily briefing and/or functional area briefings and After Action Review (AAR).

Manage Risk

  • Apply the Risk Management Process as stated in the NWCG Incident Response Pocket Guide (IRPG), PMS 461:
    • Identify Hazards.
    • Assess Hazards.
    • Develop Controls and Make Risk Decisions.
    • Implement Controls.
    • Supervise and Evaluate.
  • Report hazards, injuries, incidents, and accidents to supervisor immediately.
  • Review the helibase crash rescue plan, incident medical plan, NWCG Aviation Mishap Response Guide, PMS 503, and/or local emergency response plan and compete a scenario-based exercise for overdue aircraft, missing aircraft, or other aviation mishaps. Manage the medical emergency based on procedures stated in the Medical Incident Report, helibase crash rescue plan, and/or other relevant guidelines.
  • Implement the SAFECOM process when necessary.


  • Complete, authorize, ensure timeliness of, and route as required:
    • Aviation forms, reports, and requisitions
    • Mission request logs
    • Radio logs
    • Aircraft timekeeping forms
    • Crew Time Report (CTR), SF-261 (Watch: How to correctly fill out a CTR)
    • Incident Personnel Performance Rating (ICS 225 WF)
    • General Message (ICS 213)
    • Activity Log (ICS 214)
    • Agency-specific forms
  • Ensure forms/logs are appropriate to assignment complexity.
  • Acquire and post necessary materials and documents in the work area for reference.


  • Follow demobilization instructions from supervisor.
  • Check out with incident or dispatch to demobilize.
  • Ensure incident and agency demobilization procedures and work/rest standards are followed.
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NWCG Latest Announcements

NWCG Standards for Rapid Extraction Module Support, PMS 552

Date: July 10, 2024
Contact: Incident Medical Unit Subcommittee 

A new publication from the Incident Medical Unit Subcommittee is now available. The NWCG Standards for Rapid Extraction Module Support, PMS 552 will be used as a guide and as an opportunity to begin to build out Rapid Extraction Module Support (REMS) modules for the remainder of Fire Year 2024. These standards will be fully implemented as the minimum standard starting in January 2025.

NWCG Standards for Rapid Extraction Module Support outlines the roles, duties, qualifications, and equipment pertinent to REMS. A REMS team, strategically stationed at wildland fires, plays a pivotal role in prioritizing swift access and medical treatment to injured or ill firefighters for safe and efficient egress off the fireline. This ensures their rapid transport to definitive medical care in cases of emergency during firefighting operations, highlighting the invaluable contribution of the REMS team to firefighter safety and well-being.


NWCG Standards for Rapid Extraction Module Support, PMS 552

National Wildland Firefighter Day

Date: July 2, 2024
Contact: National Interagency Fire Center 

The National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) would like to recognize July 2, 2024, as National Wildland Firefighter Day (NWFFD). Established in 2022, NWFFD honors the dedication of wildland firefighters and support personnel. This day falls within the 2024 Week of Remembrance (June 30 - July 6), providing an opportunity to renew our commitment to wildland firefighter safety while remembering those who have fallen in the line of duty.

NWCG continues to provide leadership to enable interoperable wildland fire operations among federal, state, local, Tribal, and territorial partners. NWCG standards and training establish common practices to contribute to safe, effective, and coordinated national interagency wildland fire operations.


Week of Remembrance

National Wildland Firefighter Day

2024 Week of Remembrance

Date: June 27, 2024
Contact: 6 Minutes for Safety Subcommittee 

As we approach the 2024 Week of Remembrance (WOR), June 30 to July 6, we dedicate this time to thoughtfully reviewing and recognizing the events of the 2018 Mendocino Complex. As such, this year’s theme of “Learning From the Mendocino Complex” embodies a longstanding hallmark of WOR, honoring through learning.

Throughout the week, our energy will be directed toward fostering generative conversations in briefing rooms and at tailgates.


6 Minutes for Safety - 2024 Week of Remembrance

Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center

Updated NWCG Wildland Fire Risk and Complexity Assessment, PMS 236

Date: June 24, 2024
Contact: Incident and Position Standards Committee 

The June 2024 update of the NWCG Wildland Fire Risk and Complexity Assessment, PMS 236, is now available to meet the current needs for incident management typing.

The NWCG Wildland Fire Risk and Complexity Assessment should be used to evaluate firefighter safety issues, assess risk, and identify the appropriate incident management organization based on incident complexity. Assessing risk, determining incident complexity, and identifying an appropriate incident management organization is a subjective process based on examining a combination of indicators or factors, which can change over time.


NWCG Wildland Fire Risk and Complexity Assessment, PMS 236