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NWCG Glossary of Wildland Fire, PMS 205


The NWCG Glossary of Wildland Fire provides an extensive listing of approved terms and definitions used by the NWCG community. It contains terms commonly used by NWCG in the areas of wildland fire and incident management and is not intended to list all terms used by NWCG groups and member agencies. The NWCG has directed that all committee and subgroup product glossaries be contained within the NWCG Glossary of Wildland Fire to maintain definition consistency and clarity among documents.

Comments, questions, and recommendations shall be submitted to the appropriate agency program manager assigned to the Data Standards and Terminology Board (DSTB). 

NWCG Glossary of Wildland Fire, PMS 205  (Quick View)

EDG Explorer is a database platform used for managing NWCG Glossary terms.  The following table is a quick view of the terms found in EDG. More detailed information such as rules, documentation, and term relationships may be viewed in EDG Explorer.  

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Title Steward Status Definition
resource capacity IPSC Incident and Position Standards Committee, IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee Approved

The competency level in which the overhead resource is qualified to perform a position. May also be used to define how the resource performed on a specific incident. In both cases the capacity is defined as “trainee” or “qualified”.

resource evaluation IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee In Development
resource order IBC Incident Business Committee Approved

The form used by dispatchers, service personnel, and logistics coordinators to document the request, ordering or release of resources, and the tracking of those resources on an incident.

resource program (event) (internal) NCSC National Coordination System Committee Approved

An event dealing with agency-specific non-fire program(s), such as forestry, mining, wildlife, fisheries, recreation, etc. Includes mechanical fuel treatment, timber operations, aerial bug-spraying projects, Rainbow gatherings, etc.

resource provider UIB Unit Identifier Board Approved

An organizational unit with no jurisdictional authority or responsibilities but has resources to support the interagency incident management community.

resource quantity current as of date time NCSC National Coordination System Committee Approved

The date and time that reflects the period for which the resource counts are current.

Resource Status Board IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee Archived

Visual aid containing pertinent information regarding fire organization, current operational period resources, previous operational period resources, and next operational period resources being prepared; placed at a convenient location in fire camp for review by fireline overhead personnel on large fires. 

resource system of record NCSC National Coordination System Committee Approved

The IRWIN username of the system that currently is the System of Record for the resource and the capabilities for that resource.

resource tracking NIMSIC National Incident Management System Integration Committee Approved

The process that all incident personnel and equipment from associated organizations use to maintain information regarding the location and status of resources ordered for or assigned to an incident.

resource value-at-risk IOSC Incident Operations Subcommittee Archived

Fire suppression planning tool providing a relative expression (in five classes) of fire effects on all resources (not the value of the resources themselves).

resources (natural) IFPC Interagency Fire Planning Committee Approved

The natural resources of an area, such as timber, grass, watershed values, recreation values, and wildlife habitat.

resources [incident] NIMSIC National Incident Management System Integration Committee, IFPC Interagency Fire Planning Committee Approved

Personnel and equipment available or potentially available for assignment to incident operations and for which status is maintained. Resources are described by kind and type.

Resources Unit NIMSIC National Incident Management System Integration Committee Approved

Resources Unit staff track the location and status of all resources assigned to an incident. They ensure all assigned resources have checked in at the incident.

respirator RMC Risk Management Committee, ETC Equipment Technology Committee Approved

A device that is designed to protect the wearer from the adverse effects of inhalation hazards by removing contaminants from the surrounding air or by supplying clean air from a safe source.

responding unit DMC Data Management Committee Approved

Administrative entity that provides resources in response to the incident.

responsible fire agency ICSC Incident Command Subcommittee Approved

Agency with primary responsibility for fire suppression on any particular land area.

restricted airspace NIAC National Interagency Aviation Committee Approved

Airspace of defined dimensions identified by an area on the surface of the earth within the flight of an aircraft, which is subject to restrictions (but not wholly prohibited).

restricted category NIAC National Interagency Aviation Committee Approved

Aircraft that is generally used for cargo, retardant dropping, agricultural operations, survey work and other specific projects, and may not transport passengers.

restrictions CEPC Communication, Education, and Prevention Committee Approved

Measures taken by jurisdictional agencies to impose bans and standards of use on certain human activities that could lead to the cause of wildland fire. Restrictions may be applied to: smoking in designated areas; open flame; mechanical operations in high-risk areas; and off-road use.

retardant ETC Equipment Technology Committee Approved

A substance or chemical agent which reduces the flammability of combustibles.

retardant base NIAC National Interagency Aviation Committee Approved

Ground facilities for mixing, storing, and loading fire retardant into airtankers.

retardant coverage ETC Equipment Technology Committee Approved

Area of fuel covered and degree of coverage on the fuel by a fire retardant, usually expressed in terms of gallons per hundred square feet (liters per square meter).

retardant drop NIAC National Interagency Aviation Committee Approved

Fire retardant cascaded from an airtanker or helitanker.

return and hold NIAC National Interagency Aviation Committee Approved

An order to an airtanker pilot to return to the retardant base and await further instructions; mission completed, further loads not required.

returned from assignment Proposed New

The resource has returned from the assignment but is not yet available for dispatch.

Reversible Siamese ETC Equipment Technology Committee Approved

Hose fitting that performs the functions of a Siamese or a wye (i.e., to combine the flow from two lines into a single line or to permit two lines to be taken from a single line).

Rheologic properties ETC Equipment Technology Committee Approved

Flow characteristics of liquid fire retardants, especially their cohesiveness or ability to hold together while falling through the air.

Rheology ETC Equipment Technology Committee Approved

Science of deformation and flow of fire retardants and other liquids, especially of the cohesiveness bodies and stress-strain relationship of their particles.

rich tool ETC Equipment Technology Committee Approved

A long-handled combination rake and cutting tool, the blade of which is constructed of a single row of mowing machine cutter teeth fastened to a piece of angle iron.

ridge (topographic) Approved

A long narrow elevation of land; a steep slope or a similar range of hills or mountains.

ridge (weather) FWS Fire Weather Subcommittee Approved

An elongated area of relatively high atmospheric pressure extending from the center of a high-pressure region.

right angle transect WFISC Wildland Fire Investigation Subcommittee Approved

A method to document a fire scene using right angle measurements off of a base line.

ring fire FUSC Fire Use Subcommittee Approved

A fire started by igniting the full perimeter of the intended burn area so that the ensuing fire fronts converge toward the center of the burn. Set around the outer perimeter of a resource to establish a protective black-line-buffer.

risk (agent) IPSC Incident and Position Standards Committee, FUSC Fire Use Subcommittee Approved

A causative agent.

risk (fire danger) IPSC Incident and Position Standards Committee, FUSC Fire Use Subcommittee Approved

A number related to the potential of firebrands to which a given area will be exposed during the rating day.

risk (harm or loss) IPSC Incident and Position Standards Committee, FUSC Fire Use Subcommittee Approved

A chance of suffering harm or loss.

risk (ignition) IPSC Incident and Position Standards Committee, FUSC Fire Use Subcommittee Approved

The chance of fire starting as determined by the presence and activity of causative agents.

risk assessment (fire planning) IFPC Interagency Fire Planning Committee Proposed New
risk assessment (WUI) WUIMC Wildland Urban Interface Mitigation Committee Approved

Systematic process to comprehend the nature of risk, express and evaluate risk, with the available knowledge.

risk index FDSC Fire Danger Subcommittee Approved

A number related to the probability of a firebrand igniting a fire.

Risk Management RMC Risk Management Committee Approved

A continuous, five-step process that provides a systematic method for identifying and managing the risks associated with any operation.

risk source WFISC Wildland Fire Investigation Subcommittee Approved

Identifiable human activity that historically has been a major cause of wildfires on a protection unit; one of the eight general causes listed on the standard fire report.

risk source ratio WFISC Wildland Fire Investigation Subcommittee Approved

Portion of human-caused fires that have occurred on a protection unit chargeable to a specific risk source; calculated for each day of the week for each risk source.

rocker lug coupling ETC Equipment Technology Committee Approved

Hose coupling in which the lugs used for tightening or loosening are semicircular in shape and designed to pass over obstructions.

roll cloud FWS Fire Weather Subcommittee Approved

A turbulent altocumulus-type cloud formation found in the lee of some large mountain barriers. The air in the cloud rotates around an axis parallel to the range. Also sometimes refers to part of the cloud base along the leading edge of a cumulonimbus cloud; it is formed by rolling action in the wind shear region between cool downdrafts within the cloud and warm updrafts outside the cloud.

rotor NIAC National Interagency Aviation Committee Approved

Assembly of airfoils (rotor blades), together with a hub and attachments, that rotates about an axis to provide lift and/or thrust on a helicopter.

rotor blast IHOPS Interagency Helicopter Operations Subcommittee Approved

Air turbulence occurring under and around the main rotor of an operating helicopter.

rotor diameter NIAC National Interagency Aviation Committee Approved

The main rotor arc in feet and inches (meters). Used for planning helispot clearance.

rough FUSC Fire Use Subcommittee Approved

The accumulation of living and dead ground and understory vegetation, especially grasses, forest litter, and draped dead needles, sometimes with addition of underbrush such as palmetto, gallberry, and wax myrtle. Most often used for southern pine types.

rough reduction FUSC Fire Use Subcommittee Approved

Reduction of fire hazard in rough, usually by prescribed burning.

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