Initial Inspection/Disposal Criteria
- Inspect for burrs and cracks, broken plastic, or fire damage. Inspect gasket and replace if missing, cracked, or stiff. Inspect for screw and nylon washer. Inspect hose coupling threads for damage.
- Barrel must turn freely.
- Return to stock if nozzle functions properly, is free of damage and clean.
- Refurbish if nozzle is repairable.
- Dispose of any nozzle that is damaged beyond repair, has burn damage, or fails Testing for Performance and deficiencies cannot be corrected. Old style KK: Inspect threads inside of barrel; if they are damaged, dispose of nozzle.
Refurbishing Procedures
A. Testing for Performance
- Replace gasket if necessary.
- Connect nozzles to pump or manifold. Confirm connection ends are not out of round and there is no damage to threads.
- Pressure Test:
- Start pump.
- Make sure nozzles are open. Let all air escape. Shut nozzles.
- Pressurize to 300 PSI and hold for 3 minutes
- Pressure Test:
- Inspect for leak:
B. Cleaning
- All items will be washed and cleaned of foreign matter, such as mud, dirt, and grease. Clean in a mild detergent with brush and scouring pad, or high pressure wash as needed. Do not soak for extended periods of time as the detergent will corrode the metal.
- Rinse thoroughly.
- Stand upright with barrel in open position to drain water and dry.
- Lubricate threads on back of the barrel with appropriate dry lubricant (graphite).
C. Repair
- Replace gaskets, washers or screws as needed.
- If plastic nozzle is found defective, dispose (NFES #000137, #000138).
D. Retesting
- Following completion of any repairs, retesting of nozzles must be completed following Testing for Performance, above.
E. Repackaging
- Stand upright and dry completely prior to repackaging.
- Use NFES #008064 carton (10” x 8” x 6”)
- Use NFES #008018 carton (12” x 12” x 6”) 10 PER CARTON
- Use NFES #008017 carton (18” x 12” x 10”) 60 PER CARTON