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During Deployment

Fire Shelter Deployment

“I remember fighting, not just for air, but for something that was cool enough to feel like you could breathe it.”

close up of flames, intense fire.

Figure 1 During a deployment.

Expect the environment to be smoky, hot, loud, windy, and stressful; with blowing ember and hot gases. Expect to be scared. Expect to think that you may be injured or not survive. Expect to have thoughts of your family, friends, and how you ended up in this situation run through your head. All of these are normal reactions to an abnormal situation (see Figure 1).

Once you are in your shelter, you must focus on two things: staying on the ground in the shelter no matter what, and protecting your lungs and airway by keeping your nose and mouth as close to the ground as possible. No matter how bad it gets inside the shelter, it will be much worse outside. If you panic and leave the shelter, one breath of hot gases can be lethal.

“You can see the glow and you can definitely feel it. It’s hard to stay in that shelter. Because they get so hot. But you’ve just gotta keep thinking to yourself, ‘it’s 100 times hotter if you jump out.’ So, that’s the only thing that kept me in there. I was thinking, ‘Well, this is the only thing protecting me right now. I better stay in here.’ ”


Turbulence can lift a shelter’s edge, letting in hot gases. Fires can generate winds of 50 miles per hour or more, so you must hold the shelter down firmly. Do your best to hold down the edges of the shelter during the deployment but be aware that you may not be able to keep the edges down at all times. Uneven ground, rocks, and body position all impact how the shelter’s edge can be held down.

Deployments can be extremely frightening and may lead to panic. Panic can cause firefighters to leave their shelters and make a run for it— a far more hazardous gamble than staying put. Control such feelings so you can think clearly. Keep yourself calm by focusing on your breathing or on an object, person, or religious symbol that is meaningful to you. Recite a chant or phrase. These techniques of meditation will help quiet your mind. They can help reduce panic while allowing you to remain alert.

“My instinct said, "you've got to get up, and you've got to get out of here because it's too hot to survive, and if you don't leave you are going to die right now." Then my training said, "you know if it's that hot in here, you can't survive outside, you gotta relax, you gotta calm down, and you gotta take some shallow breaths, and you gotta get close to the ground." ”


You may be able to help calm other trapped firefighters by shouting back and forth, or by radio communication – remember shelters limit radio transmission distances. If someone yells at you, try to let that person know you’re okay. If someone doesn’t respond to your shouts, do not leave your shelter. During the fire’s peak, the noise will be deafening. You may be unable to hear anyone. Keep calm. As soon as the noise subsides, resume talking to each other.

Handheld radio performance testing conducted at National Technology and Development Program (NTDP) showed:

  • Line-of-sight transmission distances from inside the shelter were limited to 2000 feet for both send and receive mode.
  • Shelter-to-shelter communications were limited to approximately 100 feet.
  • Contact of the radio antennae to the shelter further reduced the transmission distances.
  • For better radio transmissions, if fire conditions permit, lift the edge of the shelter and stick the antennae out from underneath. Be careful to not touch the antennae to the shelter or the ground.

Conditions Inside the Shelter

Three shelters side by side in an open field.

Figure 2 During a deployment.

During a deployment, you may notice pinholes present in the shelter’s fabric, or glowing along the shelter’s seams (see Figure 2). Firelight passing through pinholes may appear to be hot coals or embers on your clothing. The pinholes or glow seen around seams does not reduce your protection. No matter how big a hole or tear your shelter may have, you are better off inside the shelter.

In a prolonged deployment or when flames contact the shelter, temperatures inside can rise to uncomfortable, even dangerous levels. Additionally, the shelter material can become hot enough to burn you. Your PPE – helmet, flame-resistant clothing, and gloves – provide you with additional protection.

“I could feel the skin tightening on my face. Mucous was coming out of my nose and eyes, hanging off my chin. I felt like all the fluid was being roasted out of me. My throat was so sore I could barely drink my water.”


Use your gloved hands to push the shelter material away from your body to maintain a protective air gap. Shelter material is most likely to contact your feet, buttocks, head, elbows, and hands. It is best to gently shift the points of contact, especially around your feet and elbows, as prolonged contact can result in burns.


“And it was hot. But I knew it was bearable. I was able to take it. I knew that I was getting burned but I just…held down there. I just kept thinking of my family. Thinking of my fiancée.”


When flames contact the shelter, the adhesive layer of the shelter material may begin to break down. This can allow the foil on the outside of the shelter to peel away, reducing the shelter’s effectiveness. The inner layer of foil prevents gases produced by the adhesive from getting inside the shelter. Remember, in all these scenarios, your best chance of survival is to stay in your shelter, breathe the cool air nearest the ground, and shift your body to minimize the chance of burn injuries.

Moving Your Shelter

Firefighters have moved from one location to another while inside a shelter. Either to change locations as the flame front passes, or to be closer to someone in trouble. This was done primarily by crawling on their bellies while trying to hold the edges of the shelter down. Others have used the shelter as a heat shield while they moved to a new location. You can do very little to help another person during the peak of an entrapment. Keep in mind that moving during an entrapment increases your risk, exposing your airways to hot gases, and should only be undertaken if absolutely necessary.

When to Leave the Shelter

“It [had] cooled down tremendously. I took a peek. I could notice the dramatic temperature change. It went from unbearable to bearable real quickly. And there was still stuff burning around me. Some of the sage was still burning. I decided to stay in my shelter a little longer.”

A few scattered shelters setup near a fire.

Figure 3 During a deployment.

All deployment scenarios are different. There is no fixed time to stay under your shelter. Don’t move until the flame front has passed. A drop in noise, wind, heat and a change in the color of light passing through the shelter are tipoffs that it may be safe to leave the shelter. Stay put until temperatures have cooled significantly or a supervisor tells you it’s safe to come out. Leaving a shelter too soon can expose your lungs to superheated air or dense smoke. Deployments have lasted from 10 to longer than 90 minutes. Deployments don’t last as long in light, flashy fuels as they do in dense, heavy fuels. Firefighters have been injured or died when they came out of their shelters too soon.

If you think there has been a decrease in activity outside your shelter, carefully lift the edge and peek out at the external conditions. Be prepared to cover up again if conditions do not allow leaving the shelter. Stay inside a little longer if you have any doubt about leaving the shelter (see Figure 3).

When you leave your shelter, make sure that your supervisor knows the deployment occurred.

“Those things work, and I'm here to tell you they work, and that if you don't know anything else, know that I survived this and you can too. ”


Leave your shelter and other equipment in place if you can do so safely. A great deal can be learned from reviewing the circumstances of entrapments and the performance of protective equipment. Learning all we can from each shelter deployment can help us improve procedures and equipment for all firefighters.

NWCG Latest Announcements

NWCG Equipment Technology Committee Releases New Equipment Bulletins

Date: September 27, 2024
Contact: Equipment Technology Committee

The Equipment Technology Committee (ETC) has released three new Equipment Bulletins:

  • ETC-EB-24-003 Diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) in fuel containers.
  • ETC-EB-24-004 Two-compartment fuel and oil container (Dolmar) unavailable in the United States (US) and reminders for upkeeping current inventories.
  • ETC-EB-24-005 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Inspection, Care, and Maintenance.

These bulletins remind field going personnel of important issues related to equipment for wildland firefighting efforts.


NWCG Alerts

ETC-EB-24-003 Diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) in fuel containers

ETC-EB-24-004 Two-compartment fuel and oil container (Dolmar) unavailable in the United States (US) and reminders for upkeeping current inventories

ETC-EB-24-005 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Inspection, Care, and Maintenance

The Experiential Learning Subcommittee is looking for your feedback on Staff Rides

Date: September 20, 2024
Contact: Ashleigh D'Antonio and George Risko, Leadership Committee

The Experiential Learning Subcommittee needs to hear from the field about where the greatest need lies regarding staff rides and their accessibility.

  • Do you have an event you would like to turn into a learning experience?
  • Do you have a staff ride built, but are struggling to implement the delivery?
  • Do you need help building capacity?
  • What other ideas do you have to support experiential leadership training?

Fill out this short survey below to help us help you.


Staff Rides: Feedback

Staff Rides

Updated NWCG Single Resource Casual Hire Information, PMS 934

Date: September 19, 2024
Contact: Incident Business Committee

The Incident Business Committee has updated the NWCG Single Resource Casual Hire Information, PMS 934. This update expands the provisions for hiring emergency personnel.


NWCG Single Resource Casual Hire Information, PMS 934

IBC Memorandum 24-03

NWCG 2024 Spring/Summer Highlights

Date: September 13, 2024

Forest Service Logo
Bureau of Indian Affairs Logo
Bureau of Land Management Logo
National Park Service Logo
Fish & Wildlife Service Logo
State Foresters Logo
U.S. Fire Administration
Intertribal Timber Council Logo
International Association of Fire Chiefs
Department of Defense Logo

Welcome to our latest highlights from the National Wildfire Coordinating Group, where we explore the latest updates, insights, and efforts that develop interoperable wildland fire operations among federal, state, local, Tribal, and territorial partners.

The Performance Support Package, which for ABRO includes the Incident Position Standards and Next Generation Position Task Book were developed through the Incident Performance and Training Modernization (IPTM) effort. The Performance Support Package will support trainees, those qualified in the position, and evaluators.



The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is officially an associate member of NWCG. As such, NASA is beginning to collaborate with wildland fire management agencies with the goal of increasing collaboration across agencies and leveraging NASA data, technology, and innovation for nation-wide efforts in wildland fire management. NASA has a rich history of research, development, and technology transfer in the areas of Earth science, space technologies, and aeronautics that support the NWCG mission.

NWCG new website look.


The NWCG web team dedicated the past two years to making a significant upgrade to the site. This upgrade involved a comprehensive redesign of over 7,700 web pages.

The modernization of NWCG’s website involved migrating to Drupal 10, a cutting—edge content management system, and leveraging Amazon Web Service GovCloud for secure and efficient hosting. These upgrades help ensure that the NWCG website remains current in content management practices, offering enhanced customization, improved performance, and an overall superior user experience.

NWCG Leadership Committee

WFLDP Professional Reading Program logo
WFLDP PRP book covers

The Wildland Fire Leadership Development Program announced the Professional Reading Program’s 2024 list!

The years books include:

  • Young Men and Fire by Norman Maclean
  • The Wisdom of the Bullfrog by William H. McRaven
  • The Art of Clear Thinking by Hasard Lee
  • Emotional Agility by Susan David
  • Writing to Persuade by Trish Hall

Learn more at the NWCG Leadership Committee


In 2023, NWCG kicked off the Incident Performance and Training Modernization (IPTM) effort. A training system overhaul focused on developing a performance-based training system designed to shift training to on-the-job when appropriate.

Over the next five years, NWCG intends to analyze all positions within the NWCG Standards for Wildland Fire Position Qualifications, PMS 310-1. To date we are currently working on 30 incident positions, and planning for 20+ in calendar year 2025.

Subject Matter Experts from a variety of geographical areas and agencies recently completed the position analysis for 16 positions. From this analysis, Incident Positions Standards and a Next Generation Position Task Book will be developed for each position.

Incident Performance and Training Modernization


In April 2024, NWCG launched the new Next Generation Position Task Book (Next Gen PTB) which is a key component of the IPTM effort. This revised evaluation tool is designed to work in conjunction with the newly developed Incident Position Standards.

Major Next Gen PTB changes:

  • Structured to improve constructive conversations between evaluators and trainees.
  • Reference new Incident Position Standards.
  • Include only tasks required to be evaluated for successful performance.
  • Trainees will be rated on their performance vs. initialing whether a task was completed.
  • Must include written feedback when trainee does not meet the standard.
  • Will be position specific (no combined PTBs).
Screen shot of the Next Gen Position Task Book

Banner image of the Wildland Fire Learning Portal website

NWCG’s training course catalog is now available on the Wildland Fire Learning Portal (WFLP).

To access the training course catalog, visit WFLP and either set up an account or login as a guest.